Happy anniversary
District Medical!

One year ago, on March 31st, 2020, District Médical was officially established!

Still under construction at the time, the opening of the clinic was planned for June 1st, 2020, however, faced with the population’s critical need due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr Jordan Discepola inaugurated the first District Medical virtual clinic on March 31st, 2020! Since last year, District Médical has evolved tremendously.

It has become a GMF (Family Medicine Group), it’s construction is almost completely finished and many employees, health professionals, and partners have joined the District team. All this to achieve our primary mission: Organize, optimize, and offer health services accessible to all. In a perpetual state of growth, District Médical is now composed of 15 family doctors and 7 specialists.

Apart from family medicine and urgent care, we provide pregnancy follow-ups, pediatrics follow-ups, work injury clinics, cardiology, orthopedic, pediatric and gynecology consultations.We are proud to introduce our new website districtmedical.ca, which is the result of many months of hard work.

Do not hesitate to visit it regularly to keep informed and find out more, not only about District Médical, but also about important medical topics, exciting news, and about our health experts’ accomplishments!

Follow-us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected with the District Médical community.
Welcome to your District Médical clinic!